Storage & Document Management

Storage & Document Management Services

Services related to the storage and backup of data and documents, including eSignature and records management.

Service Description

Provides various network file storage options. Unless special arrangements have been made, local workstation file storage is neither resilient nor backed up. UWB IT recommends the use of network file storage options for important files. Options include cloud offerings, UW (UWIT -Seattle) hosted storage, and UWB (UWBIT) hosted storage.

Service Options

OneDrive for Business – UW OneDrive for Business (formerly UW SkyDrivePro) is the University of Washington subscription to OneDrive for Business, a Microsoft online service that provides resources for file storage, collaboration, and communication with other UW users.

Google Drive – Google Drive lets you create, store, share and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets and presentations online. Google Drive is one of the core UW Google Apps. Google Drive is FERPA compliant, but currently (09/12/2016) not approved for HIPAA (PHI) data.

UW Hosted storage – UW through UWIT offers a variety of different storage options for various needs.

UW U: Drive – UW through UWIT(Seattle) provides a mappable U: drive to all faculty/staff that is 30 GB in size.

UWB hosted storage – UWB Information Technologies hosted storage (Departments, Collaboration) is available 24/7, and consists of redundant servers located on and off campus. Backups are taken nightly, and are retained for at least two weeks.


UWB Faculty, Staff and 足彩app哪个是正规的 Employees.


Files can be accessed 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


No charge except for some specialized UW hosted services.

Support Information

Call the Helpdesk at 425.352.3456
Visit the Helpdesk in LB2-218