Petitions and Forms

Summary of Petitions

  • Major Requirement Petition: Used to approve an alternate course toward a student’s major or degree requirements. Links directly to form.
  • Diversity Petition: Used to approve an alternate course toward the UW diversity requirement. Links directly to form.
  • IPR Petition: Used to approve an alternate learning opportunity toward the IAS IPR requirement
  • Cross-Campus Registration Petition: Used to approve more than 15 credits of coursework away from UW Bothell in an academic year. Links directly to form.
  • Graduation Petition: Used to approve more than 15 credits of coursework away from UW Bothell in a student’s final 60 credits of study. Links directly to form.

Major Requirement Petition

IAS students may submit an online Major Petition form to request that alternate coursework satisfy a School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (IAS) major requirement. 足彩app哪个是正规的s must be admitted or declared in an IAS major in order for the online petition to be reviewed. If students are petitioning more than one School or major requirement, the online form must be filled out for each individual requirement. 足彩app哪个是正规的s wishing to petition a School of IAS minor requirement should complete the Major Petition form and select the “Minor” requirement option.

足彩app哪个是正规的 form requires students to write a petition reasoning statement that explains why the alternate course should satisfy major or School of IAS requirements. This statement should be a thoughtful reflection on how assignments, readings, and activities completed in the alternate course align with one or more learning objectives of the IAS major. Learning objectives for each major will be found on the major webpages.

足彩app哪个是正规的 Major Petition form is not complete until the student emails a copy of the alternate course syllabus to 足彩app哪个是正规的 email should include the student’s name and UW student ID number. Once the syllabus is received, IAS Academic Advisors will forward materials to the Faculty Coordinator of the student’s major for review. Reviews can take up to two weeks before a decision is made and communicated to the student, and may be longer over the summer quarters or over breaks.

Diversity Requirement Petition

足彩app哪个是正规的 petition process to approve an alternate course toward the UW Diversity requirement requires a review of the student’s learning experience as measured against a specific set of evaluation criteria. If the Diversity Requirement Petition is approved, it is because the student has successfully acquired the competencies expected of general education in Diversity at the University of Washington.

An individual petition will not also assign Diversity credit to other students who completed the same alternate course, unless they are also able to demonstrate that their individual learning met these competencies as well.

Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) Petition

Many courses offered in the School of IAS are purposefully designed to satisfy the Interdisciplinary Practice & Reflection (IPR) requirement, but students may also request that IAS evaluate other learning opportunities to count as IPR. Approved alternates may include:

  • Graduate level courses taken after admission to an IAS major
  • 400-level Independent Study course taken outside of IAS
  • Upper-division course taken while on Study Abroad or any 400-level course that provides one of the below:
    1. Frequent, timely, and constructive feedback through an independent research project in which the student meets with and receives suggestions from the instructor at various points to discuss progress, next steps, and problems encountered, and to review the quality of the student’s contributions up to and through the completion of the project.
    2. Opportunities to discover relevance of learning through real-world applications such as an internship, practicum, or field placement that requires that students apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their program of study; or mediated discussions that encourage students to reflect on and see the connections between their studies and experiences in a practical setting.

To gain approval for an alternate course or activity, students should submit evidence indicating that at least 60% of the alternate course and/or learning content meets or exceeds one or a combination of criteria listed above. Evidence can include a syllabus that lists readings, lectures, course description, learning objectives/goals, learning activities, and/or assessments; or completed student assignments.

Evidence should be submitted to an IAS Academic Advisor and be accompanied by a written reflection statement describing how the learning activity connects to the student’s educational goals in IAS. 足彩app哪个是正规的 reflection should demonstrate linkages to IAS learning objectives, available for review on the IAS website. Please limit the reflection statement to 250 words maximum and include with your course evidence. 足彩app哪个是正规的s may consult with an advisor for assistance in understanding the IPR requirement and the petition process.

Cross-Campus Registration Petition

A maximum of 15 credits per academic year (autumn through summer) may be taken on another UW campus. IAS students wishing to complete additional credits through cross-campus registration during an academic year may submit a Registration Transaction form.

In this petition, students must explain in writing why they are petitioning to take beyond the 15 credits allotted them in an academic year. Specific course numbers and credit amounts should also be included in this petition. 足彩app哪个是正规的 additional credits to petition are calculated by the student, based on what additional courses they want/need to take, and the credit amount of those courses. 足彩app哪个是正规的s within 60 credits of their graduation term may also need to petition the Final Year Residency requirement (see below).

Submit the completed form to the IAS 足彩app哪个是正规的 Services & Advising office for departmental recommendation. Even with departmental recommendation, there is no guarantee that the UW Bothell Registrar will approve a petition. More information on cross-campus registration eligibility is available through the Office of the Registrar.

Graduation Petition

A student must complete 45 of their final 60 credits as a matriculated student in residence at the University of Washington campus where the degree is being earned. This means that students pursuing majors through the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) may complete up to 15 credits of their final 60 credits in coursework outside of UW Bothell.

足彩app哪个是正规的s may petition the Final Year Residency Requirement by completing the online Graduation Petition form. Even with departmental recommendation, there is no guarantee that the UW Bothell Registrar will approve a petition.

Graduation Petitions are generally completed while the student is within their final 60 credits. For example, a student completing a study abroad trip toward the end of their degree may need to petition the Final Year Residency Policy. Such a petition is typically completed upon the student’s return and in an appointment with an IAS Advisor. 足彩app哪个是正规的 credit amount to petition is often calculated in the appointment with the IAS Advisor.

If an exception is granted, the student still must complete a minimum of 45 credits taken in residence as a UW matriculated student to be awarded a UW degree.