Frequently Asked Questions

Compiled here are “足彩app哪个是正规的 Five F’s”, research shows students asking questions tend to follow in these categories when determining if studying abroad is possible for them.


足彩app哪个是正规的 financial situation can be stressful. Overall some ideas that have helped UW Bothell students are Financial Aid, Scholarships, GoFundMe, Fundraising, and saving up.

Are there scholarships to help when going abroad?

Yes, check out our complete list of updated scholarships where you can see requirements, deadlines and more information.

Will financial aid cover my expenses?

Depending on your level of financial need, your expenses may be covered fully or at least partially. Your financial aid will carry over just like any other quarter. However, tuition waivers and work-study awards cannot apply towards study abroad program fees. To make sure you have done all the options to potentially cover all cost we recommend to fill out a study abroad revision request form.

What am I paying when it comes to the program fee?

足彩app哪个是正规的 program fee is like a bundle package. It includes your tuition of the credits you will be getting while studying abroad as well as food and housing. 足彩app哪个是正规的 extra expenses, not covered in the program fee, include things like airfare, extra spending money, visas, etc.

Fit (Academically)

When is the “right” time to go abroad?

Any time is the right time to study abroad! If you have a time period of when you want to go abroad make sure you start your application 2-3 quarters ahead (example: if you want to study summer 2018, start application in winter 2017)

  1. Get an idea of where you want to go: This doesn’t’t mean we expect you to know what program you want, but we encourage you to have a general idea and area to help narrow down a perfect fit for you.
  2. Don’t be afraid to schedule an appointment: We are here to help you with any questions you have whether they are general things about studying abroad or specific programs. You can also contact us via email (uwbworld@uw.edu).

Check out Angela’s Blog on Pre-departure tips!

How do I know what credits I need in order to complete my degree while studying abroad?

足彩app哪个是正规的 Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) produces a report reflecting academic progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree.

Use this tool to get an idea of what credits you have left to work with. This will help you narrow down your study abroad options to see how the credits will count towards your degree.

How do programs accommodate majors?

We have over 200 UW credited programs, and those programs accommodate many majors and can apply to elective credits.

If I graduate in the spring can I go on a study abroad trip over the summer?

You can still walk in the spring but you would need to extend your graduation date till the end of summer quarter. Check with your academic advisor to see if this is possible.

Family and Friends

Leaving your family can be overwhelming. For some, this is your first time to leave home and for others it seems it gets harder every time you leave.

Read Brittney’s Blog on ways to cope with sustaining relationships while abroad.

What are some ways I can approach study abroad to my family members?

Help them consider the following:

  • It will give you a global experience – having outside experiences enhances your critical thinking, adaptability skills, and gives you a different perspective on life.
  • It is affordable – with over 200 UW-credited programs you can find a program that can fit not only academic needs but whatever budget you are working with.
  • It is fun – you will be traveling and seeing things you haven’t seen before, that’s exciting and rewarding!

Faculty and Advisor Support

We are here to help throughout your process whether it be choosing a program, seeing how credit(s) accommodate your major, reading over your application before turning it in and everything in between!

Consider the following people to help you:

  • Academic Adviser
  • Study Abroad Adviser
  • Professor(s) of the program

What is the application process like?

UW does an online application process. This includes general info and short essay questions with regards of your interest in the program. When you choose to start your application there will be a “apply now” button below the program name.

I read that letters of recommendation are required for the application. Whom should I ask?

Some people we recommend you ask are faculty and staff. If you are just starting at UW Bothell, we recommend you ask faculty from the previous institution you were at. Any person you have a tight mentor to mentee relationships with (boss, tutor, etc.) We want someone who knows you well to write your letter of recommendation.

Check out Muhammed’s Blog on the application process from start to finish!

Does GPA matter when applying for a program?

Some programs (depending on what you choose) do have a minimum requirement GPA, look at the description of the specific program to see if it is required.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Remember you are considering studying abroad because you know you are capable of going.

Where do I start?

Check out our program opportunities on the UW Bothell study abroad page or UW study abroad page. If you find a program and need help with the application process email uwbworld@uw.edu or schedule an appointment.

While searching for programs ask yourself these questions:

  • Where do I want to go?
  • How long can I be away?
  • What do I want to study?
  • What academic requirements can I complete while abroad?

Contact Us

Study Abroad Advising

Virtual and in-person advising appointments are available!

Natalia Dyba, Director

Peer Advisors