
Services from the Writing & Communication Center

We offer multiple types of conferences and resources to support Bothell students and faculty. All services are available to sign up for an appointment through EAB Navigate.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at 425-352-5253 during our regular office hours.

Services on this page


In-person or virtual

Face-to-face conferences are 25 minutes long, and students may sign up for two consecutive conferences for a total of 50 minutes.

Learn how to make an appointment at the WaCC using EAB Navigate.

Zoom “drop-in”

During business hours, use Zoom to drop-in and talk to a tutor. This is ideal for students who can’t come to campus, but want some “real-time” interaction.

Email conference service

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions below before using this system. To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out the email conference essay submission form to tell us about you and your assignment.
  2. Next, send an email to with your paper attached as an MS Word document. We strive to respond to online submissions within 48 hours, but the exact timeframe depends on the volume of submissions we receive.

Conversation Partners

Practice speaking English, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your conversational skills. Use our online schedule to make an appointment and in the box “Is there anything else you’d like to share” state you’d like to schedule an appointment for a conversation partner.

Not a student? Not a problem!

足彩app哪个是正规的 Writing and Communication Center supports UW Bothell students, applicants, and alumni. UWB 足彩app哪个是正规的s and alumni can make appointments through EAB Navigate. Folks applying to UW Bothell don’t have access to Navigate but can request an appointment by filling out this short form. Unfortunately, we cannot support non-Bothell students including other UW campuses.

Frequently Asked Questions about email conference services

When can I talk to a live person?

Call us at 425-352-5253 during our regular office hours.

Do I need to register to use this system?

Nope. Just complete the required form and email your paper to us. It’s that easy!

What kind of response can I expect? Will you edit my paper?

Rather than editing your paper, our writing consultants will provide strategies to help you improve your writing. We’ll ask clarifying questions, show you examples for revision, and offer suggestions that will help you through the writing process. Give yourself plenty of time to revise your work with the new ideas and techniques provided in the consultant’s response.

Help! I’m not sure where to start.

Need help? No problem. Just call us at 425-352-5253 during our regular office hours. If you have questions, email us at

Digital resources

In addition to peer-to-peer conferences, a whole library of resources is available online to help you review and improve your writing individually. Our resources page can help answer specific questions or guide you through learning a whole new concept.

Preparing for the WSA

Getting ready to take the Writing Skills Assessment (WSA)? Attend a free, WaCC-sponsored workshop, or meet one-on-one with a tutor who can help you prepare for the WSA. Contact us for more information.

Faculty support

足彩app哪个是正规的 Writing and Communication Center also offers services for faculty. Learn more about our faculty resources.