Assessment process

March 2021

  1. Overall (Institution: Academic Affairs Central + Schools + CCAL)
    • Approach assessment as the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development for all graduates of the institution
    • Commit to a faculty-driven assessment process (assessment methods TBD by each School) with policy-setting, timelines, and other campus-wide oversight by CCAL and support from a campus-wide Coordinator for Assessment & Education Innovation. 足彩app哪个是正规的 Coordinator is responsible for the following institutional support:
      • Offers 1:1 and group consultations on instruments, philosophies, theories, etc.
      • Builds assessment capacity among faculty via optional workshops etc.
      • Assists with any of the steps below upon request
      • Organizes data for CCAL evaluation
    • Develop schedule for implementation of the assessment plan
    • Pilot process then grow it if successful while defining long & short-range goals
    • Implement appropriate rewards/recognition for assessment work by faculty
    • Note: Schools may choose to partner with staff-led units for assessment of particular outcomes with that process TBD by Schools while recognizing that the intent is for all graduates to achieve all campus-wide undergraduate learning goals.
  2. Establish the common campus-wide learning goals that each UW Bothell graduate should achieve (CCAL)
    • Using the performance metrics that each School establishes for the campus-wide learning goals, determine the common campus-wide performance indicators for each of the campus-wide learning goals.
    • Establish the achievement standard expected at the campus-wide level for all graduates.
    • Keep goals and indicators broadly applicable across range of majors using Bloom’s Taxonomy (or other established learning framework) to consider student achievement at graduation.
  3. Determine sources of assessment data (Schools supported by Coordinator)
    • Review syllabi & create curricular map to performance indicators for each goal and map each performance indicator to 1 or more courses
    • Identify other sources (likely indirect) of assessment data e.g., exit interviews/survey, alumni surveys, portfolios, etc.
    • Suggest software solutions to manage data
      • Note that with Canvas, can embed assessment as part of the LMS
  4. Collect assessment data (Schools)
    • Rely on methods already in use by faculty (and institution) and focus on flexible but systematic approaches that are sustainable given time constraints for faculty and staff
    • Provide means for Coordinator to obtain data and organize for use by CCAL
  5. Evaluate assessment data provided by Schools for the campus-level achievement standards established in #2 (CCAL)
    • Apply an approach that is equity-minded (e.g., how do students from different backgrounds demonstrate learning; what are the experiences of students from populations that the institution is not fully representing; etc.)
    • Determine what assessment data tells us about student achievement level for each goal
    • Combine/triangulate results from various types of assessment data to draw conclusions
    • Identify successes and opportunities for continuous improvement of student learning and development and make recommendations to GFO EC, VCAA, CAD and School EFCs
  6. Use and share conclusions (Institution: Academic Affairs Central + Schools + CCAL)
    • Use campus-wide dashboards to transparently show results and track successes
    • Consider developing a Learning Impact Community website
    • Consider Learning Communities centered on conclusions
  7. Repeat process