Safety Escort Program

Don’t want to walk alone on campus?

Give us a call and we will escort you to your destination either by foot or vehicle.

For your safety, the University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia College encourage students, faculty, staff and visitors to use the campus Safety Escort Program.

This service is available when a Safety officer is on duty.

Campus Safety Officers provides a walking escort to students, faculty, staff and visitors around campus properties. This service is normally offered from dusk to dawn. 足彩app哪个是正规的 purpose of the escort is to provide a measure of safety for those that are uncomfortable, fearful or apprehensive about walking alone between points on campus.

足彩app哪个是正规的 Safety Escort is not meant to meet an individual’s routine transportation needs, or a ride program for inclement weather.

Campus Safety Officers are empowered to use their own discretion and provide a vehicle escort if there are multiple calls for service pending and the vehicle escort will free them up sooner to respond to additional requests.

During this request, the Campus Safety Officer may ask you to meet in a common location so as to facilitate the escorting of multiple persons.

Dial 425-352-5359 to request a Safety Escort.